DogsIf your family includes dogs, we hope you’ll be able to bring them with you to enjoy Bar Harbor, which is the most dog-friendly town we know! We do ask that you take a few simple measures to protect our home from the damage sometimes caused by dogs (or by their inattentive owners.) We make those measures very easy for you:
The house will be set up, before your arrival, with attractive protective covers on couches, easy chairs and beds. In case of an accident (we know from experience that they do occur!), we have a giant container of Nature’s Miracle, the enzyme we use to eliminate odors and stains after cleaning the accident area. We don't charge extra for bringing your dogs. If, despite your best efforts, there is dog-related damage, you will be resonsible for damages as explained in the rental agreement. Your dogs will surely enjoy their 1000 square foot enclosed dog run (with ocean view!) They’ll love walking with you on our quarter mile trail around our three+ acres, and, with some guidance from you, they can safely join you on the rocky ledges extending out into Frenchman’s Bay. Your dogs can enjoy the three dog beds (each covered with a freshly laundered sheet), the chairs and couches, the sunny rugs, and the beds. We have separate bed linens for families with dogs, so please, if they’re used to sleeping with you at home, Rising Sun is your home away from home… let them snuggle under the covers if that’s what they do at home. In a nutshell -- when we arrive at the beginning of Sols Cliff Road after traveling from our New York home, no matter how soundly our dogs are sleeping in the car, they all jump up with excitement! We hope you will return to Rising Sun again and again, and that, on their first return and every one thereafter, your dogs too will recognize Sols Cliff Road and jump up in excitement! |