Watch the sunrise over Frenchman’s Bay. Watch the cruise ship go past the house (around 7:00 A.M.) and look for the lobster boat checking its traps right off the shore.
Walk out on our rocky ledges and commune with the ocean.
Enjoy breakfast at *Rising Sun/Sound of the Sea*, so you are out of the house in time to join Diver Ed’s first trip of the day.
9:30 – 11:30: Diver Ed. You’ll watch Ed dive overboard from the boat and explore the sea all the way to the bottom! Our guests of all ages have given glowing reviews of this boat trip and educational underwater dives; his explorations are shown live on TV monitors as he explores the ocean floor and various sea levels between the boat and the floor.
Diver Ed
Back in Town for lunch, then on to the Oceanarium
David and Audrey Mills, owners and operators of the Mount Desert Oceanarium in Bar Harbor, Maine, are wonderful teachers.. For more than 45 years they have been familiarizing visitors with ocean lore, with an emphasis on the extraordinary creatures known as lobsters. Their one hour tour and discussion of lobster life mesh ever so nicely with the subjects seen during Diver Ed’s dives.
"I found Mount Desert Oceanarium the best teaching aquarium I've ever seen, including the great public aquariums up and down the East and West coasts as well as the Pacific rim." —W.H.A., Noted Audubon Field Guide and National Geographic author
The Oceanarium
Late Afternoon and Evening
On the way back to Town, treat the kids to a round of miniature golf at Pirate’s Cove, not far from the Oceanarium.
Tonight’s probably a good night for pizza or pasta at Rosalee’s, on Cottage Street in Town.